Be Kind to Yourself; You Are Doing Your Best Every Day

Our Blog

Hello, how have you been? 🙂 I hope you have been doing well.

2023 has been a year filled with wonderful opportunities to meet new caregivers from our recent pilot constituencies, and to catch up with familiar faces. Oftentimes, I receive thanks from our caregivers after they attend our physical events — being able to spend time outside of the house with one’s family and having opportunities to interact with others can be a welcome respite.

These same caregivers, and you as well, are also an inspiration to me. Seeing how each of you navigates challenges with an unwavering amount of strength, determination, and love has reminded me that no matter how daunting something might seem, progress can still be made in small, baby steps.

However, you cannot pour from an empty cup; self-care is a necessary part of being an effective caregiver. It is perfectly okay to pamper yourself to something you’d like to do, prioritise rest and lean on others when you feel weary. I also hope that you remain kind to yourself – parenting has never been an easy feat and I’m sure that you are doing the best that you can every day.

May the remainder of 2023 treat you kindly, and I hope to see you in 2024 🙂


With love,
Elysia Poh, Program & Research Executive (CAREconnect)