Caregiver Service Executive
We are currently searching for a Caregiver Service Executive to boost CaringSG’s growth and programme success.
Featured photo: Karen Kwa in pink with husband, and their three daughters
My name is Karen Kwa, I have 3 girls.
My elder girl was slow in learning, she caught up only in Primary 6 when she was transferred to EM3, when on to NT (Normal Tech), to ITE then to Polytechnic. She’s working already.
My second girl was diagnosed with dyslexia at Primary 6. As hers is mild, she managed to keep up with the help of the DAS (Dyslexia Association of Singapore) centre at Bishan. She went on to Express stream in Secondary, then to poly, and currently she’s working.
My youngest was the one that needed more attention. She was slow in catching up with her peers in kindergarten. She was under SPD for OT (occupational therapy) and speech. She was transferred to APSN Katong in 2008 and went on to DSS (Delta Senior School) and since then she has progressed well. She’s working at Uniqlo and plays the Guzheng with the Purple Symphony Orchestra.
Because of my youngest girl, I have seen how our family has supported her and how she has progressed. I wanted to help other parents who have special needs children, to support them.
When I saw on Facebook that CaringSG has this CAREbuddy program that can help parents that need support and help, I jumped into it. In the CAREbuddy training, we learn how to communicate and role play on how to connect and help the caregiver.
What I like most about this program that we learn how to give support and encouragement to caregivers who need the most help in emotional support and guidance.
As caregivers we have learnt to support our child in many different ways and they have progressed. Let’s come and support CaringSG to sign up for CAREbuddy training and support other caregivers who need our encouragement.
About CAREbuddy
CAREbuddy is one of CaringSG’s Project 3i programmes where trained special needs caregivers (CAREbuddies) provide emotional support to fellow special needs caregivers.
Karen Kwa graduated from our second batch of CAREbuddy trainees and is now a CAREbuddy intern.
Trainees go through a total of 24 hours of training, followed by 6 months of internship upon graduation. During internship, CAREbuddy interns begin to support fellow caregivers, and our trainers will mentor them as well.
Special needs caregivers who are interested to volunteer as a CAREbuddy can sign up for our information session (tentatively 6 June 2022, Mon, 8-9.30pm). Please join our FB page to receive more updates on how to sign up, and read more about CAREbuddy at https://caring.sg/carebuddy/
We are currently searching for a Caregiver Service Executive to boost CaringSG’s growth and programme success.
CaringSG Limited is a charity led by caregivers to serve special needs caregivers and the community towards an inclusive and caring Singapore.
Elizabeth’s caregiving journey
As we step into 2025, I am deeply humbled and honoured to take on the role of Chief Executive of CaringSG.
Today, the new dawn of 2025 brings new joy and hope for CaringSG.
On 1 December 2024, CaringSG brought together caregivers, supporters, and the community for an inspiring day at the CAREforward event, held at the Punggol Regional Library.